Truck body swap bodies
Types of tilted swap bodies for trucks and industrial vehicles
Stat swap bodies
The stat swap bodies are complete with n ° 4 support feet with manual opening and prop with anchorage to the vehicle by means of twist-lock.
The feet can be rigid or telescopic.
Lift swap bodies
Lift swap bodies can be of two types:
- with n ° 4 hydraulic jacks housed under the platform in a horizontal position which during the lifting phase of the mobile body automatically exit from their seat, rotate 90 ° and raise the swap body to a height that allows the vehicle to position itself for anchoring by means of twist-lock.
- with n ° 4 hydraulic jacks positioned vertically at the corners of the mobile body (the 2 front jacks have the ability to be rotated towards the outside during the hooking / unhooking) which raise the mobile body to a height that allows the vehicle to position itself for anchoring by means of twist-lock.
How the types of swap bodies are made
The various types of curtainsider swap bodies can be made in any size and type of set-up:
- open
- fixed / adjustable ribs
- vans
At the end of assembly and functional tests, all structures will undergo a cycle of: degreasing, phosphating, sandblasting with garnet, painting with epoxy primer and polyurethane enamel.
As an alternative to painting the steel structure, it can be subjected to hot galvanizing by immersion in special liquid zinc tanks
Swap bodies stat
The stat swap bodies are complete with n ° 4 support feet with manual opening and prop with anchorage to the vehicle by means of twist-lock.
The feet can be rigid or telescopic.
This model is the most popular version and thanks to their 4 manually operated legs, they facilitate unloading without using electrical or hydraulic systems, reducing costs for the loading and unloading part.
Lift swap bodies
Lift swap bodies can be of two types:
- with n ° 4 hydraulic jacks housed under the platform in a horizontal position that during the lifting phase of the mobile body automatically exit from their seat, rotate 90 ° and raise the swap body to a height that allows the vehicle to position itself for anchoring by means of twist-lock.
- with n ° 4 hydraulic jacks positioned vertically at the corners of the mobile body (the 2 front jacks have the ability to be rotated towards the outside during the hooking / unhooking) which raise the mobile body to a height that allows the vehicle to position itself for anchoring by means of twist-lock.
Find out more about Marcior - Industrial car work
Entrust yourself to Marcior srl of Villafranca di Verona and its thirty years of experience in industrial car work for the preparation and construction of curtainsider swap bodies.
We deal with fitting out of your truck or industrial vehicle ribs. We create customized automated roofs for the curtainsider, caissons, vans and more. All made according to customer needs.
We also inform you that the company Marcior Srl – with headquarters in via Francia, 41 – 37069 Villafranca di Verona is pleased to inform you that since 01/10/2018, it holds the EN 12642-XL | XL certification for 5 different types of fixed and adjustable ribs. Find out more about the XL Certification.
Discover all our products to see all the other services we offer or visit our YouTube page to watch videos of our creations.