Curtainsider truck: what it means and what are the achievements

What does tilt truck mean?

In the world of companies, industries and construction, terms are encountered every day that very often are not completely known and these are often in relation to vehicles, means and tools also used in a fairly common and general way. The realizations that exist in this way are many, but there is one that is famous for its versatility and this is certainly the arching, that is the construction and use of a curtainsider truck .

But what does it mean to have a tilt truck or request the construction of a tilt truck?

We usually know the truck as an industrial vehicle and we are used to seeing it structured with a rigid body in its rear part. When we talk about cambering we are talking about a type of configuration in which a structure is created on the body and this is covered with a highly resistant plastic sheet in order to protect its contents. This is the basic definition of a curtainsider truck or one that has a curtainside.

The forms and variants

If we want to add some information about it we can say that there are many forms and variations.

For example, the fundamental characteristic is linked to the type of loading and unloading that this type of structure allows. In fact, there are ribs that have a rear opening, there are some that allow even partial lateral opening.

In case you have to load and unload from above, there are structures that open above or even completely uncovered with an accordion mechanism.

If necessary, it is also possible to create flexible structures that allow for expansion according to need. In short, the arched solution allows greater flexibility as regards the quantity of possible achievements. Furthermore, the weight is much lower, not to mention the facilitations in terms of loading and unloading speed that these allow.

An aesthetic advantage, so to speak, of a ribbed solution is certainly the possibility of coloring, printing writings and printing logos on its surface with extreme ease and especially in the case of replacing these graphics, it costs much less to replace a rib than to recolor an entire rigid wall from a bodywork.

What does it mean?

If we take the term curtainsider truck used in this context, it means equipped with a rib and this adjective can be applied to the various industrial vehicles, based on their standard configurations, therefore equipped, instead of a rigid structure, with a metal structure that supports a plastic sheet which in turn is anchored to the sides in order to effectively protect the contents of the box.

Obviously, if you do not have such a vehicle, you can go to a professional company that will take care of creating a curved solution for your industrial vehicle based on your specifications.

 Curtainsider truck. Made to measure on trucks and industrial vehicles

Curtainsider trucks: made to measure

Our company has been operating in the sector of tailor-made creations for industrial vehicles such as trucks, vans and lorries for almost forty years.

This allows us to have very clear ideas when it comes to helping a customer find the right solution to their needs. To provide this type of service we analyze the customer’s situation and vehicle. We then move on to the meticulous and professional design, taking into consideration 100% the needs and specifications that the customer provides us according to need. This allows us to easily move on to the next phase in which we take care of the realization of everything in order to provide a functional, high quality product that will last over time despite the atmospheric agents and the stresses that this type of realization undergoes during the exercise of the work.

All this following the high quality standards and following the European safety standards.

Would you like more information on the curtainsider truck?

Call us at +39 045 7900867 or contact us at our mail, our specialists will at your service. Follow us on our Facebook page or YouTube channel to stay updated on our latest news. We also remind you that you can find here all our products and realizations on industrial vehicles.