Fittings for trucks and industrial vehicles

Fittings for industrial vehicles

In this world made up of industries and production, every company looks for the best way for its business to produce so as to contain costs and obtain maximum profits. This implies turning to other companies that will deal with logistics, preparation, organization and set-up. Obviously, if we talk about vehicles, we enter the field of industrial vehicle fittings . Very often companies need someone who prepares their vehicles such as trucks and vans, creating the necessary structures for a specific task, for example a body and tarpaulins that will be tailor-made for that specific vehicle and for that specific task.

For example, the unloading and loading of goods falls within this field, requiring solutions for both loading and unloading in order to make the task easy and safe for its employees. All of this falls within the field of fitting out industrial vehicles. A type of design that requires experience and attention to detail, focusing on the function of the structure, while maintaining the price and quality ratio.

Types of fittings

If we go back to talking about the existing types of equipment for industrial vehicles, we have many types of options and achievements . These cover a wide spectrum of structures that include many nuances, as many as the possible requests of a specific customer which adapt to his needs and tasks to be performed.

For this reason we can include a multitude of different types of caissons to suit various circumstances , whether it be removable caissons or fixed caissons as a type of structure. Then we have the ribs, that is the tarpaulins that cover the vehicles and here too we have many types of realizations ranging from the type of opening, the type of structure and finally the type of material with which this type of coverage will be made. In this scene we must also include roofs that can be created with various shapes and configurations such as double roofs.

There are structures that have the ability to expand according to the type of load in order to be adaptable to the circumstances. Furthermore, there are special set-ups created for a specific task based on that specific customer need or the adaptation of the structures already present on the vehicle. An example could be the internal subdivision of the vehicle with the creation of an internal double floor. Obviously there are many other types of realizations.

 Fittings for trucks and industrial vehicles. Industrial bodywork

Quality industrial vehicle fittings

We take care of analyzing in a complete and concrete way the needs of our customers who need specific or general fittings for industrial vehicles. After this phase of observation and data collection, we move on to a precise technical design, the result of years of experience and acquired know-how. The final realization is done with skill, using quality materials and state-of-the-art tools to create the perfect solution, which reaches the highest standards. This leads our customers to rely on us for any type of realization when it comes to fittings for industrial vehicles. Contact us for advice and a complete quote for your needs and for your industrial vehicles. We will find the solution for you!

Would you like more information on the types of equipment for trucks and industrial vehicles?

Call us at +39 045 7900867 or contact us at our mail, our specialists will at your service. Follow us on our Facebook page or YouTube channel to stay updated on our latest news. We also remind you that you can find here all our products and realizations on industrial vehicles.